Monday, August 30, 2010

That's Interesting.

"My only obligation is to keep myself and other people guessing" - Jude Law

I wish I was just a teeny weeny little bit like that,

I'm just way too obvious.

End of Story.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Taste of Mediterranean

So Here it goes,
my spain trip 2010.

yea, I just HAD TO spit it out. they are amazingly good looking, so may I remind you my ladies, when you enter europe, take a way through schiphol airport in amsterdam!
and the easiest way to do that is take KLM ;)
Omg, free advertisement right there for KLM.

So as I arrived in Barcelona you have no idea how good I felt.
The weather was a whole lot better than the humid Taipei, and everything was just one word, chill. And I missed outdoor cafes! they really dont have a whole lota that in Taipei, it's just way too hot I guess?
Well except when I got to the city center and man, plaza catalunya was packed with tourists! uhm good looking european tourists? enuf said.
I had to admit though that it was a little bit frustrating at first because I couldn't find another asian on the street except for of course, my sister and my dad.

The next few days were just apartment hunting/dealing with banks/running around like a...tourist.
I'll write a new post for some of the tourist spots I went to, with photos! yay
I didn't exactly get to see as much as I planned to, but that's enough for me.

Right now I just want to say,
Barcelona is an amazing place, and I really can assume that everywhere else in Spain is as beautiful as it is.
The food and drinks are awesome..
Actually, if we focused on drinks here, these two "beverages" are the ones that kept me alive, um replacing water...*this is very bad, please dont do something like that in the middle of summer.

This is something called "Horchata" which tastes like almond/milk/cinnamon, I gotta say it sounds weird but I loved it!

and here's something you all know I love! Every meal, its just complimentary. jk!

back to the point, the people are passionate and friendly as they say in books,
architecture is full of creativity and originality,
the weather is pretty much suitable for anything,
and HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THE SHOPPING?! european shopping ftfw. I HAVE TO GO BACK. I still didn't get those H&M boots :'( which I would very much like to cry about right now.

I am definitely going back, to that beautiful city Barcelona. Sometime in the future when I'm earning more dough. haha



You're fat.

Sometimes having a straightforward personality and being rude is just a double-sided story.

Depends on how you see it.

Well, most of the time I just think you're rude.


Sunday, August 15, 2010


Μείνετε αλήθεια για τον εαυτό σας..

I don't know if anyone noticed,
but the new title of my blog is in greek, and it says 'stay true to yourself'

keep that in mind people.


August is always my favorite month of the year,
despite all the heat back home in taipei, I still love it like no other.
Partially because it's my birthday month,
but mostly it's just the passion and energy surrounding me.

My 18th celebration week was wonderful,
thanks to my dear family and friends
To my family, thanks for putting up with me, I know I'm a total pain in the ass.
To my friends, thanks for being honest,hilarious and of course adorable.

And now I'm busy packing for spain, which we're leaving for..TOMORROW?!
oh god
still got a lot to pack FOR MY SISTER! big lazyass she is.
I'll post up photos of the beautiful country during the trip if I find time :)
